Apex Enterprises |
Security, Placement, Labour
Contractor, House Keeping, Horticulture |
Backend Support, Real Estate,
Liaison, Contractor & Manpower Consultants |
Liaison Consultancy Services
Whatever the size of your company, processing of data related to different Acts will be prepared by the company at the shortest time with error free compilation of data. We take care of the following Acts from registration to monthly, quaterly, half yearly and yearly returns:
a) EPF and Misc. Provisions Act, 1952
b) ESI Act, 1948
c) Factories Act, 1948
d) Minimum Wages Act, 1948
e) Contract Labour (R & A) Act, 1970
f) Bonus Act, 1965
g) Payment of Gratuity Act
h) Shop & Establishment Act
i) Labour Welfare Fund Act
j) Maternity Benefit Act
k) Payment of Wages Act
l) Building and Other Construction Worker's Act
m) Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act, 1946
n) Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
o) Industrial Establishment (National Festival & Holidays and Casual & Sick Leave) Act
p) Industrial Disputes Act, 1947
Note: All above mentioned departments have been looked after
by expertise personnel in their respective fields and preparing all
necessary documents, legal documents and all formalities required in
above said work. All work is done on priority.